Advancing With Your Core Strength Work

.As your dog becomes more acquainted with using his body and movement on the balance discs there are additional exercises or games you can play with them to further build their body awareness, core strength and proprioception.
Video 1: Body Awareness Using a Perch
Video 2: Walking the Plank: Excellent not only for body awareness but also for beginning contacts
Video 3: Balance disc pods: Excellent for proprioception work
Video 4: Developing Core Strength with the FitPaws Peanut. If you think that Myst makes this look easy, try sitting on a peanut or kneeling on a donut.
Video 5: Myst Has Fun on the FitPaws Donut
Video 6: Advanced Work with FitPAWS Pods
Video 7: Balance and Core Strength with the FitPAWS Wobble Board
Video 8: Myst's Advanced Balance Work
Video 9: Combo Balance Disc Work: FUN new things to do with your giant balance disc, donut and Fitbone
NEW Video 10: Advanced Balance Disc 2020: New and creative ways to combine balance discs and slack lines for advanced balance work. Great for proprioception.
Video 1: Body Awareness Using a Perch
Video 2: Walking the Plank: Excellent not only for body awareness but also for beginning contacts
Video 3: Balance disc pods: Excellent for proprioception work
Video 4: Developing Core Strength with the FitPaws Peanut. If you think that Myst makes this look easy, try sitting on a peanut or kneeling on a donut.
Video 5: Myst Has Fun on the FitPaws Donut
Video 6: Advanced Work with FitPAWS Pods
Video 7: Balance and Core Strength with the FitPAWS Wobble Board
Video 8: Myst's Advanced Balance Work
Video 9: Combo Balance Disc Work: FUN new things to do with your giant balance disc, donut and Fitbone
NEW Video 10: Advanced Balance Disc 2020: New and creative ways to combine balance discs and slack lines for advanced balance work. Great for proprioception.