Timeline for Progression of Vestibular Episode with One Dog

Meet special dog, KIT - A 14 year Border Collie old who recently had a vestibular episode.
Since his owner had had one other senior dog with vestibular she knew how to support Kit
during his episode. He did very well and within 3 week was back acting like himself....This
timeline or Kit's symptoms is very informative and encouraging for dogs who experience
vestibular especially if owners have no idea what the symptoms might be...
PLEASE NOTE HIS SPECIAL HARNESS .. which was very important to use in supporting
his balance during his early days of instability.
Day 1: The morning after Kit (14 years old) got her invite for the AKC Obedience Classic, she woke up with what her owner suspected was a vestibular episode. She stumbled outside to potty in the morning; then she had to have help locating her breakfast dish. She ate well and kept it down, but the dizziness progressed to where she could not walk without support.
Since her owner has had one other senior dog with vestibular she did not go to the vet to know that the best treatment was to give an over the counter medication, such as Dramamine, for motion sickness and to put her in a soft crate so she doesn't hurt herself. Now, she is mostly sleeping. She remembered that for her other dog, the vestibular episode lasted about 3 weeks. The early symptoms seem to be the worse and then progressively improve
The owner knew that it was very important to not only protect the dog from falling and hurting themselves but also to be able to support them when taking them outside to potty. It is important to know that a comfortable harness with a handle on top is very important and helpful for assisting the dog’s movement at this time. (see picture of Kit with her harness on)
Kit can’t be loose in the house and can’t be in a solid crate; a soft crate was used so she does not hurt herself when she cannot control her movements.
Follow Kit's journey and progression by video.
Video 1 is excellent showing the initial symptoms as are the others showing the progression to week 3 where she was acting like her normal active 14 year old.
VIDEO: Kit having an early vestibular episode. https://fb.watch/a4gLZkK3Wt/
Note: you will need to click on these links to see the video since they are on Facebook and below to Kit’s owner.
During this this time (days 1 and 2) Kit would not drink so the owner had been syringing water.
Day 2: Kit decided on her own that she can stand and play which was one day after she exhibited signs of the vestibular episode. https://fb.watch/a4gEGICjWh/
Day 3: Day 3 Kit is about the same as she has been. Eating well, just not drinking as much as the owner thinks she should be doing. To help, she put some kibble in her dish with a lot of water several times a day.
Day 6: Kit is getting around so much better. She is still wobbly when she turns and still needs support on the stairs and a little on the bare floors. She is able to track toys, the water dish and food.
Day 9: Kit is doing quite well. She is still on Dramamine and can stay mostly upright when she walks. Thar are 4 steps from the deck of her house to where she has to navigate to go potty in the yard. Her owner still has to assist her when she goes down stairs.. AGAIN.. IMPORTANT TO NOTE THE IMPORTANCE OF A HARNESS WITH HANDLE TO SUPPORT THE DOG AT THIS TIME. S
She is still supported both going down and upstairs to prevent her from stumbling and falling.
Day 10: Kit was taken outside to play for a few minutes and did well chasing the ball without stumbling. The other dogs in the family were not outside with her at this time with concerns of them playing and perhaps knocking her down.
Building up her rear end going downstairs
3 WEEKS AFTER VESTIBULAR EPISODE… back to being herself – happy 14 year old Border Collie. The owner at this time continued to help her build back some of her muscles especially in her hind end and retaught her to go down stairs.
Since his owner had had one other senior dog with vestibular she knew how to support Kit
during his episode. He did very well and within 3 week was back acting like himself....This
timeline or Kit's symptoms is very informative and encouraging for dogs who experience
vestibular especially if owners have no idea what the symptoms might be...
PLEASE NOTE HIS SPECIAL HARNESS .. which was very important to use in supporting
his balance during his early days of instability.
Day 1: The morning after Kit (14 years old) got her invite for the AKC Obedience Classic, she woke up with what her owner suspected was a vestibular episode. She stumbled outside to potty in the morning; then she had to have help locating her breakfast dish. She ate well and kept it down, but the dizziness progressed to where she could not walk without support.
Since her owner has had one other senior dog with vestibular she did not go to the vet to know that the best treatment was to give an over the counter medication, such as Dramamine, for motion sickness and to put her in a soft crate so she doesn't hurt herself. Now, she is mostly sleeping. She remembered that for her other dog, the vestibular episode lasted about 3 weeks. The early symptoms seem to be the worse and then progressively improve
The owner knew that it was very important to not only protect the dog from falling and hurting themselves but also to be able to support them when taking them outside to potty. It is important to know that a comfortable harness with a handle on top is very important and helpful for assisting the dog’s movement at this time. (see picture of Kit with her harness on)
Kit can’t be loose in the house and can’t be in a solid crate; a soft crate was used so she does not hurt herself when she cannot control her movements.
Follow Kit's journey and progression by video.
Video 1 is excellent showing the initial symptoms as are the others showing the progression to week 3 where she was acting like her normal active 14 year old.
VIDEO: Kit having an early vestibular episode. https://fb.watch/a4gLZkK3Wt/
Note: you will need to click on these links to see the video since they are on Facebook and below to Kit’s owner.
During this this time (days 1 and 2) Kit would not drink so the owner had been syringing water.
Day 2: Kit decided on her own that she can stand and play which was one day after she exhibited signs of the vestibular episode. https://fb.watch/a4gEGICjWh/
Day 3: Day 3 Kit is about the same as she has been. Eating well, just not drinking as much as the owner thinks she should be doing. To help, she put some kibble in her dish with a lot of water several times a day.
Day 6: Kit is getting around so much better. She is still wobbly when she turns and still needs support on the stairs and a little on the bare floors. She is able to track toys, the water dish and food.
Day 9: Kit is doing quite well. She is still on Dramamine and can stay mostly upright when she walks. Thar are 4 steps from the deck of her house to where she has to navigate to go potty in the yard. Her owner still has to assist her when she goes down stairs.. AGAIN.. IMPORTANT TO NOTE THE IMPORTANCE OF A HARNESS WITH HANDLE TO SUPPORT THE DOG AT THIS TIME. S
She is still supported both going down and upstairs to prevent her from stumbling and falling.
Day 10: Kit was taken outside to play for a few minutes and did well chasing the ball without stumbling. The other dogs in the family were not outside with her at this time with concerns of them playing and perhaps knocking her down.
Building up her rear end going downstairs
3 WEEKS AFTER VESTIBULAR EPISODE… back to being herself – happy 14 year old Border Collie. The owner at this time continued to help her build back some of her muscles especially in her hind end and retaught her to go down stairs.