Dylan Continues His Puppy Journey
7-10 Months
One of my hot weather projects is to better use Adobe's new Generative A1....so Dylan and I went to use a premier landscape in Sedona red rocks to practice on. AND this is what we got. Dylan is a perfect poser for pictures which makes imagery turn out so much better. And an added bonus were the children of all sizes that he got to meet and enjoy.
Training GOALS & Where We Are At
HIKING: The warm weather and summer is approaching and it is time to prepare for trail etiquette and orderly hiking on trails. Dylan will need to be on a long line for some time .... at least until he is one year old in September and we have done MANY MANY recalls especially on trails with distractions.....Deer are everywhere. AND he must learn "LOOSE LEASE WALKING" is the default.
We have been doing hour long 1.5 mile hikes at Bubbling Ponds in Cornville with Beckett off of leash. Beckett is wonderful he stays on the trails and does not run around so presenting a good model. I have reinforced "loose leash walking" with stoping when he is pulling at all and when he looks back at me saying "YES" and he comes to me for a HIGH VALUE TREAT.
Since the foxtails and goats head weeds are now everywhere as are snakes, it is time to move our hikes to Flagstaff. So yesterday (4/18/24) we went to Lowell Observatory trail which is same distance as we walk at Bubbling Ponds and Dylan did awesome... This weekend the next step walking with my son, Steph and Bodhi.
Eve and I now have our weekly hikes and both her dog Vibe and Dylan are on long lines. I did a lot of trail walking with him up to 1.5 miles during the winter and resumed this spring when we could go back to Flagstaff. Also many recalls. For the last 2 weeks (May 2024) I have been able to drop my hold on the long line and see how he does. The dogs are amazing and do not go off trail, do not chase and run but just very nicely are dogs on the trail walking and sniffing with occasional runs. Recalls are wonderful and we keep our eyes open for wild life. I never thought I would ever be able to let Dylan walk on trails this way but he is doing a wonderful dog. It was all about lots of training for trail walking and RECALLS.. RECALLS.. RECALLS.
TRAINING: Have registered for Petra Fords "Foundation for Obedience" and "Foundation for Utility" classes. Finished her puppy class and are now choosing activities that are very important for foundation work without other exercises involving jumping that we cannot do at his age. Below are some of the important things we have and are working on.
SUMMER CHALLENGE: Now that summer is here our training has to dramatically change and be in the cool time of day (morning) and in Flagstaff. The biggest challenge I have had with Dylan is his barking when I take Beckett out of the car to work such as for his scent work. So for summer I have again been motivated by one of Susan Garrett's free program - CONNECTIONS --- NUANCES. We are not looking at her expanded "It's Your Choice" and I decided this would be a challenge training behavior to change.
We are starting in the the house with the "hot zone folding beds" where they each take their turn for a short "seeK and "front" training. After doing this a few times it today moved out to the car with one "hot Zone" and the other dog getting highest value treats of chicken for good QUIET BEHAVIOR.
Sadly I have let this go on for many months so it is going to be very difficult to change.... but consistency and confidence will help.
Dylan has loved scent work so my gradual introduction of articles has grown (look back on link to Intro to Odor) and he now can do 5 leather and 2 wooded. Our wood scent articles arrived today so now we have a full set of 6 wood and 6 leather to continue our fun work.
We have been doing hour long 1.5 mile hikes at Bubbling Ponds in Cornville with Beckett off of leash. Beckett is wonderful he stays on the trails and does not run around so presenting a good model. I have reinforced "loose leash walking" with stoping when he is pulling at all and when he looks back at me saying "YES" and he comes to me for a HIGH VALUE TREAT.
Since the foxtails and goats head weeds are now everywhere as are snakes, it is time to move our hikes to Flagstaff. So yesterday (4/18/24) we went to Lowell Observatory trail which is same distance as we walk at Bubbling Ponds and Dylan did awesome... This weekend the next step walking with my son, Steph and Bodhi.
Eve and I now have our weekly hikes and both her dog Vibe and Dylan are on long lines. I did a lot of trail walking with him up to 1.5 miles during the winter and resumed this spring when we could go back to Flagstaff. Also many recalls. For the last 2 weeks (May 2024) I have been able to drop my hold on the long line and see how he does. The dogs are amazing and do not go off trail, do not chase and run but just very nicely are dogs on the trail walking and sniffing with occasional runs. Recalls are wonderful and we keep our eyes open for wild life. I never thought I would ever be able to let Dylan walk on trails this way but he is doing a wonderful dog. It was all about lots of training for trail walking and RECALLS.. RECALLS.. RECALLS.
TRAINING: Have registered for Petra Fords "Foundation for Obedience" and "Foundation for Utility" classes. Finished her puppy class and are now choosing activities that are very important for foundation work without other exercises involving jumping that we cannot do at his age. Below are some of the important things we have and are working on.
SUMMER CHALLENGE: Now that summer is here our training has to dramatically change and be in the cool time of day (morning) and in Flagstaff. The biggest challenge I have had with Dylan is his barking when I take Beckett out of the car to work such as for his scent work. So for summer I have again been motivated by one of Susan Garrett's free program - CONNECTIONS --- NUANCES. We are not looking at her expanded "It's Your Choice" and I decided this would be a challenge training behavior to change.
We are starting in the the house with the "hot zone folding beds" where they each take their turn for a short "seeK and "front" training. After doing this a few times it today moved out to the car with one "hot Zone" and the other dog getting highest value treats of chicken for good QUIET BEHAVIOR.
Sadly I have let this go on for many months so it is going to be very difficult to change.... but consistency and confidence will help.
Dylan has loved scent work so my gradual introduction of articles has grown (look back on link to Intro to Odor) and he now can do 5 leather and 2 wooded. Our wood scent articles arrived today so now we have a full set of 6 wood and 6 leather to continue our fun work.
Dylan at 7 Months Just Passed his AKC Intermediate Trick Dog (title dependent upon AKC approval)
VIDEO 1: Dylan just passed his AKC Intermediate Trick Dog for his title depending on AKC approval. This was all done on video due to the use of props. This video follows the AKC intermediate tricks for the intermediate trick dog title. The first 5 tricks are on this video; the next 5 on the 2nd part 2 video. Dylan is 7 months old.
VIDEO 2: 5 tricks included: interactive dog puzzle last since it is the longest. Handlers choice before the puzzle.
VIDEO 2: 5 tricks included: interactive dog puzzle last since it is the longest. Handlers choice before the puzzle.
Dylan at 7 Months Enters His First AKC Trial -
Novice B Scent Work

We have done a lot of scent work starting at 10 weeks old. Dylan has picked up very quickly on doing outside, inside, containers, buried and scent articles for utility. We have gone to different locations and he continued to do very well and loves the sniffing and nose touches on the odor.
The trial was close to home so we decided to try it. Could only enter buried, containers and interior since Beckett (who seldom trials) had to finish his last exterior. The trial was help in Prescott Valley, AZ and sponsored by Chino Valley Caine Training Club. Under judges Dr. Mary Quinn, Jennifer Hamilton and Laurie Schlossnagle Dylan earned 5 out of 6 qualifying scores this weekend in Novice B (containers, buried and interior).
Out of a class of 15 dogs he was 3rd place today in one class and 4th place in 2 classes yesterday. Very challenging with so many dogs and people for a young puppy who wanted to go an visit everyone but a GREAT experience. Videos to follow.
The trial was close to home so we decided to try it. Could only enter buried, containers and interior since Beckett (who seldom trials) had to finish his last exterior. The trial was help in Prescott Valley, AZ and sponsored by Chino Valley Caine Training Club. Under judges Dr. Mary Quinn, Jennifer Hamilton and Laurie Schlossnagle Dylan earned 5 out of 6 qualifying scores this weekend in Novice B (containers, buried and interior).
Out of a class of 15 dogs he was 3rd place today in one class and 4th place in 2 classes yesterday. Very challenging with so many dogs and people for a young puppy who wanted to go an visit everyone but a GREAT experience. Videos to follow.
Videos of Fun Things we are doing.....
This is the first time I have introduced utility scent articles to one of my Border Collies without using the boxes. We have done a lot of nose work since he was 10 weeks and not only do we do it regularly but he really enjoys it.
When I introduced one article and the phrase changed from "search" to "find mine" he understood and we progressed from house to outside gradually adding leather articles. My wood articles are currently being made so only had 2 to introduce which I did separately. It was not until the last week that I added them to the leather pile.
Dylan is 7 1/2 months old and is now doing 7 utility scent articles. This video shows his progress. Again I am not looking for speed but accuracy and his turn. Coming to front and sitting is a bonus
This is the first time I have introduced utility scent articles to one of my Border Collies without using the boxes. We have done a lot of nose work since he was 10 weeks and not only do we do it regularly but he really enjoys it.
When I introduced one article and the phrase changed from "search" to "find mine" he understood and we progressed from house to outside gradually adding leather articles. My wood articles are currently being made so only had 2 to introduce which I did separately. It was not until the last week that I added them to the leather pile.
Dylan is 7 1/2 months old and is now doing 7 utility scent articles. This video shows his progress. Again I am not looking for speed but accuracy and his turn. Coming to front and sitting is a bonus
Fun Learning for Utility and Open - the RETRIEVE
--teaching & practice of a GOOD HOLD & CARRY on all retrieve articles (DB, gloves, scent articles
--knowing how to “MARK”
--tight turns after pick-up
-- coming to front
--teaching & practice of a GOOD HOLD & CARRY on all retrieve articles (DB, gloves, scent articles
--knowing how to “MARK”
--tight turns after pick-up
-- coming to front
May 2024
Dylan is learning the etiquette of trail hiking with our priority (1) Come when called: (2) no chasing wild life and (3) stay mostly on the main trail - no running off in the woods. He is still on a long line and not allowed to run on his own while he is learning - plus he is still very young to do much trail running.
Dylan is learning the etiquette of trail hiking with our priority (1) Come when called: (2) no chasing wild life and (3) stay mostly on the main trail - no running off in the woods. He is still on a long line and not allowed to run on his own while he is learning - plus he is still very young to do much trail running.
Dylan earns his NACSW ORD (Odor Recognition Test) title 5/25/24
The National Association of Canine Scent Work requires that dogs must show their competence in identifying the 3 odors used in their tests (birth, anise and clove) by passing the ORT test. This video done by Stacy Saravo is excellent since it clearly shows how distracted he was for his first odor test but each successive one greatly improved until the last one on clove he was not at all distracted and quickly moved to identifying and alerting on CLOVE....

June 2024 - 9 Months old
My GO TOs for learning obedience are Susan Garrett & Petra Ford. Even though Susan is primarily agility she is one of the best trainers and much of what she teaches can be applied in whatever discipline. On example is the "IT'S YOUR CHOICE" game.
In her recent CONNECTIONS - NUANCES I found an amazing way to teach drop on recall. Her brilliance was that when we SIT the dog goes down on his own. Who would have thought. You will see this in the video.
My GO TOs for learning obedience are Susan Garrett & Petra Ford. Even though Susan is primarily agility she is one of the best trainers and much of what she teaches can be applied in whatever discipline. On example is the "IT'S YOUR CHOICE" game.
In her recent CONNECTIONS - NUANCES I found an amazing way to teach drop on recall. Her brilliance was that when we SIT the dog goes down on his own. Who would have thought. You will see this in the video.
See also under Dylan's name "Intro to Scent Work and Utility Articles" for an excellent configuration of 12 articles to help teach the dog how to work the entire pile.