Myst Videos
A few videos of this special girl during her first 2 years. She was introduced to sheep at age 6 months, swimming at age 9 months, and hiking off leash only with me at 1 1/2 years. She has always loved the work we do with balance balls, discs, and shaping tricks. Obedience work initially was just another trick. All of this work added to her excellent foundation for agility.
Myst was entered in her first agility show March 2013 (AKC Fiesta Cluster) and did very well earning 3 qualifying scores including her first place in Novice JWW with a time of 18.8 seconds. I think all of the foundation work really helped her to do so well. She learned about a perfect SIT STAY with crate games; she acquired body awareness for her weaves, jumping and contact work with all of her disc and ball work and learning about REINFORCEMENT ZONE as the place where all rewards are given has helped her obedience work, staying close to me when hiking and learning to work with me as a partner close. Her work with recalls in Susan Garrett's recall course when she was 9 months made a big difference when we ran into 2 wild pigs (javelina) and a huge coyote when hiking. She stayed with me and responded to me stay or recall commands.
Video 1: Myst's first Open Field Trial: October 20, 2016 AHBA. First place
Video 2: Myst's first Level II with driving - AHBA - October 23, 2016
Video 3: Myst's amazing object discrimination
Video 4: Myst trains on the slackline
Video 5: Cool Body Awareness Games Outside
Video 6: Myst's first agility show - AKC Fiesta Cluster her very fast JWW run and a standard run
Video 7: Myst's snow adventure this winter with friends
Video 8: Age 22 months obedience work (Open and Utility work)
Video 9: Obedience (Utility) scent discrimination
Video 10: Jumping with Susan Salo's stride regulator - slow motion to see her jumping form
Video 11: Myst's tricks (age 1 1/2) "My Border Collie is Smarter than Your Honor Student
Video 12: Myst's first friend (age 9 weeks) Puli Ziggy who becomes her tug toy
Video 13: Myst is introduced to sheep at age 5 months
Myst's body awareness work is found in the BODY AWARENESS videos..
Myst was entered in her first agility show March 2013 (AKC Fiesta Cluster) and did very well earning 3 qualifying scores including her first place in Novice JWW with a time of 18.8 seconds. I think all of the foundation work really helped her to do so well. She learned about a perfect SIT STAY with crate games; she acquired body awareness for her weaves, jumping and contact work with all of her disc and ball work and learning about REINFORCEMENT ZONE as the place where all rewards are given has helped her obedience work, staying close to me when hiking and learning to work with me as a partner close. Her work with recalls in Susan Garrett's recall course when she was 9 months made a big difference when we ran into 2 wild pigs (javelina) and a huge coyote when hiking. She stayed with me and responded to me stay or recall commands.
Video 1: Myst's first Open Field Trial: October 20, 2016 AHBA. First place
Video 2: Myst's first Level II with driving - AHBA - October 23, 2016
Video 3: Myst's amazing object discrimination
Video 4: Myst trains on the slackline
Video 5: Cool Body Awareness Games Outside
Video 6: Myst's first agility show - AKC Fiesta Cluster her very fast JWW run and a standard run
Video 7: Myst's snow adventure this winter with friends
Video 8: Age 22 months obedience work (Open and Utility work)
Video 9: Obedience (Utility) scent discrimination
Video 10: Jumping with Susan Salo's stride regulator - slow motion to see her jumping form
Video 11: Myst's tricks (age 1 1/2) "My Border Collie is Smarter than Your Honor Student
Video 12: Myst's first friend (age 9 weeks) Puli Ziggy who becomes her tug toy
Video 13: Myst is introduced to sheep at age 5 months
Myst's body awareness work is found in the BODY AWARENESS videos..