Puppy Body Awareness
Beckett was 8 weeks old when he was first introduced to balance discs through tugging and play around the discs. He very quickly liked climbing and balancing on them. Follow his puppy journey on the balance discs.
PLEASE NOTE... balance disc work when progressed and introduced slowly is excellent for helping a puppy develop coordination and a sense of their body. This ultimately helps them to maneuver their
Please look at the video below by: Rob at Animal Rehabilitation Center, of LAVRC's. Balance discs are fun and challenging games that are also safe and can help puppies to grow into agile confident adult dogs. Games like in this video below called "Puppy Proprioception Class with Flash" show from an expert what young puppies can safely do. This may help them prevent injury and be all they can be, in their sport.
I only work with the balance discs for no more than 4 minutes 2-3 days a week.
Video 1 shows how 8 week old Beckett was introduced to unstable surfaces and balance discs through play.
Video 2 shows the progress after 2 days of play learning on the disc.
Video 3: Beckett just turned 10 weeks old when this video was taken. We play with the balance discs every other day so it will not be too much for his growing body. I thought the peanut would be too high but he just jumped up on it. He really has fun on the discs. You can see his balance and body awareness growing; great confidence.
Video 4: Beckett is now 13 weeks old and loves visiting his doggie gym. Every time I think he is too small or young for a disc -- like the PEANUT - he just jumps up on it.
PLEASE NOTE... balance disc work when progressed and introduced slowly is excellent for helping a puppy develop coordination and a sense of their body. This ultimately helps them to maneuver their
Please look at the video below by: Rob at Animal Rehabilitation Center, of LAVRC's. Balance discs are fun and challenging games that are also safe and can help puppies to grow into agile confident adult dogs. Games like in this video below called "Puppy Proprioception Class with Flash" show from an expert what young puppies can safely do. This may help them prevent injury and be all they can be, in their sport.
I only work with the balance discs for no more than 4 minutes 2-3 days a week.
Video 1 shows how 8 week old Beckett was introduced to unstable surfaces and balance discs through play.
Video 2 shows the progress after 2 days of play learning on the disc.
Video 3: Beckett just turned 10 weeks old when this video was taken. We play with the balance discs every other day so it will not be too much for his growing body. I thought the peanut would be too high but he just jumped up on it. He really has fun on the discs. You can see his balance and body awareness growing; great confidence.
Video 4: Beckett is now 13 weeks old and loves visiting his doggie gym. Every time I think he is too small or young for a disc -- like the PEANUT - he just jumps up on it.
Beckett was introduced to the balance discs at 9 weeks. He played and tugged on them and learned how much fun they were. He offered to jump up on some of the higher ones like the FitPaws donut and later the Peanut. So I carefully progressed his work. Our time on the discs was short -5 minutes and no more than every other day. Now he is 22 week old he has more body awareness and is able to progress to this more challenging work on our new and smaller FitPaws Peanut. Forward stretching is being encouraged; backing up on the elevated discs is challenging requiring strength, rear end awareness and proprioception. The video prior to this shows how we worked on these skills using the FitBone which is smaller and lower.