Fun with Trick Dog Training and Getting an AKC Title from HOME
While dog owners are staying at home practicing social distancing and dog trainers are suffering a loss of business, the AKC Family Dog Program is pleased to announce that dog owners may teach their dogs tricks at home and submit a video to an AKC CGC Evaluator for review and approval. This applies to all levels of AKC Trick Dog training. AKC Trick Dog resources can be found here.
How It Works
- Dog owners teach tricks to their dogs at home
- When the dog has learned the tricks for the title, the dog owner sends a video (via a link, etc) of the dog performing the tricks to an AKC CGC Evaluator.
- The Evaluator reviews the video. Any fee arrangements for the Evaluator's time are between the Evaluator and the dog owner.
- Once the Evaluator reviews and approves the video, the Evaluator sends a copy of the Video Verification form
- to the DOG OWNER confirming that the dog passed the test, and
- to AKC at [email protected]
- a copy of the VIDEO VERIFICATION form from the Evaluator (the Evaluator will also send a copy to AKC)
- the Trick Dog Title Application, and
- TRICKS CHECKLIST (for each title level submitted).
- Dog owners may choose to still have their Tricks test witnessed in person
- Evaluators may choose whether or not they will offer video reviews
- See a list of CGC Evaluators here by state
To find an evaluator in your area you will first need to find a CGC evaluator and then contact them to see if they are doing Trick Dog Testing virtually.
Beckett & Myst Showing Their Tricks for Virtual
Trick Dog Titles & Evaluations
Beckett was tested for his Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Trick Dog titles (April and early May 2020) by submitting the above videos to a CGC evaluator (Anita Easley) who is also able to test for TD titles. Paperwork submitted to AKC for titles.
Myst had her Novice and Intermediate and completed her Advanced Trick Dog Title on May 6, 2020 with the above video.
SOME IDEAS FOR YOUR HANDLER'S CHOICE in Trick Dog Testing: Below are 2 videos of Myst doing some tricks
Myst had her Novice and Intermediate and completed her Advanced Trick Dog Title on May 6, 2020 with the above video.
SOME IDEAS FOR YOUR HANDLER'S CHOICE in Trick Dog Testing: Below are 2 videos of Myst doing some tricks